After my ridiculous emotional display in his office, Dr. Larry suggested that it may be a good idea to be completely forthright with Deborah and Sean before we proceed any further with wedding plans.
He's not named Dr. Wright without a good reason.
Excellent idea, except, he hasn't had the pleasure of meeting Deborah's father. There's also a very good reason he is called That Bastard Martin.
I was picking up the phone to call my daughter to arrange to meet the young couple, to come clean about Sean's father, when it rang even before I could dial.
"Why didn’t you tell me that you were once in love with an Irish diplomat, Mom?"
"Hello to you too sweetheart. And he was just a diplomatic kid, like me, at the time."
TBM, inflamed for God knows what reason since this is a happy matter, was angry nonetheless and had ranted at his daughter about the Irish.
"He was actually mad at me, Mom...for falling in love and getting engaged to be married. Why does he have to act so badly? He also said he hoped I wasn't expecting him to pay for a large wedding. As if I even want one. And just what does it matter that you went out with someone Irish when you were young? He seemed really hung up on Sean being Irish."
Oh dear. Where to start?
"First of all Deborah, you probably caught him by surprise with the news." Hell has frozen over. I'm defending the bastard. "I'm sure once he calmed down he told you he was happy for you, right?"
"Well, yes, he did."
Thank God for that! But I want to shoot him about the wedding. Obviously he's worried about money. I will have to tell him about Edna's generous offer.
"So, something else is obviously happening in his life, sweetheart. And it has nothing to do with you." That sounded diplomatic enough.
"Luckily, Brian was nearby and overheard our conversation at that end. He got on the phone too. Dad seemed calmer when he returned to the line. Why didn't you ever tell me about your Irish love? I think it's kind of cool, actually, considering me and Sean."
What to do?
"Mothers have lots of secrets, Deborah. You'll learn that one day when you have children of your own."
But speaking of secrets...
"Sean was very sweet about it," she interrupted me as I almost began to share mine. "He has no one to call to share his news with except for his kid sister."
"Deborah, we need to talk..."
"...I know. How are we going to handle Dad and a wedding? Will you be all right?"
My lovely daughter. This should be the happiest time in her life and her parents are screwing this up for her on so many levels.
"Deborah, do you think there's a chance that Sean might decide not to contact his father given their history?"
“Actually, he sees this as an opportunity for a rapprochement. He says that falling in love with me has given him some new insight and understanding of his father's grief. Isn't that sweet? He may even forgive him."
God forgive me, then.
"I need to tell you something, honey."
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